Benefits of Membership
Members of the Monte Carlo Car Club of North America will receive these exclusive benefits:
Laminated Membership Card
Upon signing up for membership, you will be sent a laminated membership card, good for one year of membership.
Our Club Logo Window Decal
Upon signing up for membership, you will receive a Welcome Packet which includes your membership card and our 3" X 3" club logo clear window cling. Our window cling features our elegant club logo in white, red, gray and black on a clear background, and easily applies to the inside of your window:

(Please note: For members outside the United States and Canada, Welcome Packet items will be sent digitally. If international members would like the packet mailed, it will be at international shipping cost. The club does offer a $5.00 discount towards the shipping cost).
Receive Digital Copy of Our Quarterly Newsletter
As a member you will receive our full-color quarterly Newsletter emailed to you, containing articles written by other members about the history of their Montes, exclusive Nationals coverage, Tech Corner, and other informative articles and information! For members that do not use email, a printed copy can be mailed to you.
Receive 5% Off Purchases from Dixie Restoration Depot
As a member you will receive 5% off all purchases from Dixie Restoration Depot! Dixie Restoration Depot has been a trusted source for restoration parts for our members for many years. If you need parts for your 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th Generation Monte, be sure to check them out! Visit Dixie Restoration Depot online at: Dixie Restoration Depot

Have a Featured Story About Your Monte in Our Newsletter
As a member you will have the opportunity to write an article for our newsletter telling us all about your Monte! Things you can include is how you came about your Monte, any history, renovation details, shows you went to with it, awards it has won, and more. Up to 6 photos may be submitted with your article. When we choose your article for that quarter's newsletter, we will let you know via email. Submissions may be emailed in editable Word format.
Access to Members-Only Forums on Our Website
As a member you will be able to participate in our online Forums.
Members' Montes Online
As a member you will be able to submit a photo of your car, along with specs, to be added to our "Members Montes" page on our website.
Members' Photo Albums
As a member, you can also add photo albums of your Monte. This is a great way to add albums for shows that you have been to, add albums to show restorations step-by-step, and more having no photo limit per album.
Classified Ads
As a member you will be able to list Monte Carlos, Monte Carlo parts and miscellaneous Monte items for sale for FREE in our Classifieds section on our website. If you are in search of a Monte or parts, as a member you can also submit a post searching for those in the same section. While only members can advertise in our Classifieds, they are visible to anyone on the internet clicking on our website and our Classified sections are SEO tagged for optimal exposure. In addition, the ads will also be listed on our social media. We make it hassle-free by doing all the of the listing work for you. Simply send us your description, photos, and contact information (prospective buyers will contact you directly) via email to:
Our Annual "Monte Nationals" Conventions
As a member you will be able to attend our annual Monte Carlo Nationals held each summer for 3 days at an accommodating host hotel. Monte Carlo owners and enthusiasts alike travel from all across the United States and Canada to attend, and our show exclusively features all generations of Monte Carlos from 1970 - 2007, both original and modified. We offer awards for all classes, DJ, cruises, seminars, contests and so much more for a reasonable member event registration fee.